Image: Adult perched by Steuart Laing
Was it a NZ Falcon?
Are you sure what you saw/heard was a NZ Falcon? Please do not feel insulted but it is important our records are as accurate as possible. If you are not sure or want to be certain check out Recognising a NZ Falcon below or note your doubt on the Observation Report Form and we will check back with you.
Also, additional images and information on the NZ falcon can be found on the Information on Observing NZ Falcon, leaflet that can be viewed/download below.
Image: Adult NZ falcon by Evan Rait
Recognising a NZ Falcon
The key points to look out for when confirming an identification/sighting of a NZ falcon or differentiating between a falcon and a harrier are;
½ size of a Harrier
Black above - buff barred and streaked below
Brown eyes
Long toes (talons)
Gets paler with age
Light rump, streaked light brown to pale/grey silver
Yellow eyes & long legs
Chases smaller birds
Quarters open country
Drops on prey
Rarely eats carrion
Often eats carrion
Plaintive Kee-a

Taken from an original concept produced by Steve Lawrence.
Information on Observing NZ Falcon
Providing information and photographs on topics such as distinguishing the male from female and the adult from the juvenile falcon plus more. To assist with both recognising and understanding more about the NZ Falcon a guide has been produced and can be downloaded in either Word or PDF format (see below).
Image: Adult NZ falcon by Dave Timmerman-Vaughan