Image: Juvenile NZ falcon by Tim Goode

If you have seen or heard a NZ falcon and wish to report this you can either, report this by completing the Observation Report Form below, or download an Observation Report Form here and simply follow the information detailed on the form.

If you have any photographs and/or video footage and would like to share, please send direct to [email protected]. Rest assured we do not use or share material without seeking permission first.

Observation Report Form

Date of Sighting


GPS Reading

or NZTopo250-12 Sheet GR

or Detailed Descripton


Privacy Statement

The personal information supplied here will not be given to any third party and is for the use by Native Birds Taranaki for clarifying falcon sighting information or to request additional detail. The information is held securely and may be requested to be viewed by making a request to [email protected].


  1. As much information that can be provided as to location would be beneficial, by means of a road name, track or hut name, river/stream/creek name etc.
  2. The number, gender (if able to distinguish) and age (adult, juvenile, fledgling, or chick) of falcon observed would be of great benefit.
  3. The activity observed (flying, chasing prey, perching, carrying prey etc.) is also very useful, particularly when combined with time of year observed.